Thursday, September 11, 2014

Auto Transport Load Board, Freight Load Board, Auto Brokers, Auto Transport Carriers, Online Load Board Exchange For Sale

Auto Transport Load Board, Car Transport Load Board, Auto Shippers Load Board Is Currently Offered For Sale With Front and Backend Admin, User Interface. 

Asking Price $49995.00 Or Best offer.

Will Post More Ads Online in Auction Sites.

If Interested please do contact me Find Loads, Post Loads, Freight Exchange is intended for Auto Transport Brokers, Auto Shippers, Auto Transport Carriers, Rentals, Car Dealers, Auctions, Moving Companies,
Sale of website includes 100% front end, back end admin for Auto Transport Loads, Auto Transport Brokers, Auto Transport Carriers Trucks and CMS and members back end.
If you are interested in DEMO account simply contact us and will create a demo account for you to test drive user interface section.
Auto Transport Load Board was lunched back in 2008 and at that time we saw many members signed up on our account. From 2008-2012 we had about close to 300+ Members signed up on our website without a single penny spent on Advertising.
In early 2012 our website was hacked and we lost most members data and the website was offline for few years until this year in July 2014 we finally lunched back we fix some issues and re-lunched the website again. The new owner is familiar with Coding you can make significant changes in code, and modify everything that is related to the website to make it more secure.
I'm simply selling my site to and move on to something new, will cut my losses but the new owner can do whatever he/she pleases.
You can improve allot each year to be up to update with the latest technology.
Currently the website has 50+ Members and will increase if you advertise you would be able to get allot more members to sign up.
(Keep in mind we never advertised not a single SEO Campaign was ever started but we started seeing companies signing up on our website.
I'm not here to claim that the website made any money before or now, but the website has great potential to make significant amount of money.
Revenue can be generated several different ways.
Membership Fee, Such Auto Transport Brokers, Auto Transport Carriers, Shippers, Moving Companies, Rental Companies, Corp. Relocation Companies etc. You can sign all of the above companies to use the site for a monthly fix fee. Freight Load Boards Generally Charge from $59.95-$499.95 Per Month depending how many vehicles each shipper is posting.

Members can post Live loads for transporters to find and haul the loads for you. Members can post Classifieds ads. For buyers.

Revenue To Be Generated
Membership $59.95
Advertising Banners: Starts $499.95 -$995
Classified Banners: $89.95 for 30 Days
Members Fee $59.95 Per Month for someone posting less than 50 Vehicles per Month. If A Shipper is posting more vehicles than you can charge more for that particular member.

You can charge Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.

Members Can Pay for 12 months with which they will receive 10-20% discounts all depends on the website owners own choice. offers more tools and features than any other Auto Load Board, such as Classified Section, Forum Page where you can discuss any topic you feel is related to your specific needs or point of view, Find Resources such as Truck Stops, Truck Insurance Companies etc. But most important you can find loads by specific company where you don't have search the entire site for that particular company as you prefer.

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Auto Load Board 
Car Load Board
Freight Load Board
Transport Load Board
Freight Load Board For Sale
Trucking Load Board For Sale 
Car Transport Load Board For Sale